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Eid Message from Saleha Jaffer

Eid al-Adha is a truly joyous time for Muslims around the world.  As well as a celebration, it is a time when many millions reflect on the difficult trials of Prophet Abraham (as) and his family and commemorate this with the sacrifice of a sheep or goat.

Importantly it is an occasion when families come together and reflect on what is important. It is a time of spirituality, and a time for giving, to family, friends and strangers alike.

As a mother and a grandmother, my thoughts during this Eid inevitably turn to those families who have lost loved ones to the lure of extremist groups over the last year. Amid the festivity, for them, this Eid will feel strange, lonely and empty. Where I will be spending time with my family, they will be thinking and worrying about family members that are absent.

In the short film below I spoke to families who had lost loved ones travelling to Iraq or Syria. Each and every one of them speak of the pain and anguish they felt.

The message is clear: “As a parent to have a son or even a daughter in Syria, you don’t have a life anymore. Your life is looking for them from the minute you open your eyes in the morning until you eventually manage to fall asleep at night.”



Watching that film reminds me of the heartbreak and desperation that these families face every day they wake up to find that their loved ones have gone and often run away without ever saying goodbye. If you are concerned about a loved one, friend or family member then please read the ‘What to do’ page on our website.

Finally, I wish you and all your loved ones a beautiful and happy Eid.

Eid Mubarak!

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