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Increase in Daesh Recruiting Children

We have previously discussed Daesh’s online recruitment practices and their relentless abuse of children, which has seen them force minors such as British-born Isa Dare to commit ultra-violent acts of brutality on their behalf.

new report has analysed the appearance of young people in the terrorist organisation’s propaganda between January 2015 and 2016.

As the report demonstrates, the futures of children living under Daesh are being ferociously cut short. The few that have managed to escape the clutches of the group have spoken of the anguish and pain they felt at being separated from their families.

Children are being made to appear passionate about Daesh in propaganda images, the majority of which show children with smiles on their faces, when the reality is quite the opposite.

“We weren’t allowed to cry but I would think about my mother, think about her worrying about me and I’d try and cry quietly,” said one former child soldier who was forced away from his family.

Daesh actively works to ensure children feel no loyalty towards their loved ones. Nasir, aged 12, said: “When they were training us they would tell us our parents were unbelievers and that our first job was to go back to kill them.”

The report also highlights that the rate of young people dying in suicide operations rose monthly over the period, and the number of suicide operations involving children tripled in one year.

At FAST, we believe that families matter, and that children deserve a future without violence. If you’re concerned that a family member or friend is under the influence of Daesh recruiters, please see our ‘where to turn’ page.

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