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Aqsa Mahmood: A Legacy of Hatred

Last month, Aqsa Mahmood, posted a rant against the millions of Syrian refugees who are seeking refuge in Europe and Syria’s neighbouring countries following four years of conflict.

Showing a complete lack of empathy for the terrible plight of the refugees who are fleeing awful conditions and violence in the region to undertake the dangerous journey to Europe, she said:

 It’s sad to see people of the West flee and run to Allah and the Muslims to bring back their honour whilst these people run to the kuffar and think that seeking help from them will truly benefit them.

Mahmood also said that she would rather die in Syria than return home to her family in Glasgow. Her statement raised the ire of many, with the hastag #ummlayth receiving some strong comments against the jihadi bride.

Aqsa, a 20 year old from Glasgow, who travelled to Syria to marry a fighter from ISIS in 2013, is one of at least 50 British women and girls who have joined the extremist group in Iraq and Syria.

Her parents, who last year made an emotional appeal for her to return to home, spoke about their disappointment at her betrayal when she was implicated in the recruitment of three other young girls to ISIS.

In a message directed at her they said:

You are a disgrace to your family and the people of Scotland, your actions are perverted and an evil distortion of Islam. You are killing your family everyday with your actions.

Their message is clear. Travelling to Iraq or Syria to join extremist groups will tear your family apart. At FAST, this is something we know all too well.

The effects on the Mahmood family will resonate with those affected in similar ways, and will invoke empathy in all parents who worry, naturally, for their children’s safety.

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